Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sabi - the new edition to our household

Okay, so i haven't been keeping up with the posts. I've been really really busy these past few weeks. I've pretty much had an assignment due one after the other and now i've started working two days a week. Next Thursday, my training will be finished so that should be good, I'l get a $10 hr pay rise - yay. I'm trying to save up for that trip to melbourne. So far, my balance doesnt seem to be moving either way...I have no idea what i spend my money on either cause Wun basically pays for everything.

Anyways getting to the point of the post, we got a puppy. She's a cross terrier/chihuahua. She looks nothing like a chihuahua though. Here are the photos.

at 5 weeks

at 6 weeks

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Ciao Laura...

A good pal of mine is moving back to Melbourne tomorrow. I thought i'd dedicate this post to Laura as she farewells us this Thursday. The group of us uni girls have been together for 3 years so it will be sad to say goodbye to her.

On Saturday we had dinner at Satay Hut and went to West End to celebrate our friendship (that sounds corny haha). Then Laura and myself went clubbing. Anyways, it was a good night.

Mmmmmm...Dinner [Sambal].


Out clubbing...all sweaty and gross

Monday, March 26, 2007

I'm back...with a vengence (well not really)

Ok, so I know that some of you guys were worried that this blog was dead. In all honesty, I haven't really done anything interesting. Maybe I lie. Two things have happened since my last post (November???).


I've moved out of home. Folks seem to be surprisingly ok with it. Some days I like the independence, although mostly it's more work than I really need. Cleaning the dishes is not much fun. In all honesty, the house is a bit of a mess at the moment. We haven't vaccumed in yonks.


Got myself a grown-up job. I work for the Department of Employment and Industrial Relations, more specifically for Wageline. Sounds good doesnt it?. Well its ok, still in training at the moment. Basically I sit on a desk and spend all day answering telephone calls from the public, employers, solicitors etc. about employment conditions and employment law. If you go to you can find out a bit more. I hope to work there even after I graduate and hopefully find a full time job working in the policy department.

Anyways gotta go back to my assignment. I'm trying to not leave things to the last minute because I no longer have as much time to procrastinate (studying 5 subjects is a bummer).

Anyways thats all for me,


Monday, January 08, 2007

Where art thou???

Many of you must be wondering where the heck I have been...what wonderful adventures I have been on...what stories I have to share. I wish I did have wonderful adventures and stories but truthfully I have just been having BBQ's every day for 2 weeks and the other two weeks I have just been watching prime time TV [yay]. So then why still the lack of posts? Because I'm never really home, and the place I go to hang out has no internet. Hence the prime time TV.

Anyways I might as well tell you about the only major thing that has really happened to me. I have a man/boy. I tried to keep it a secret as long as possible for obvious reasons. But somehow the cat came out of the bag and MUM found out. I suspect it is one of the gossiping Cambodian people. Anyways she didn't really get angry [what a huge surprise and relief]. She did say that she was embarrassed though because 'everyone' knew before her. But I guess she was ok with it cause i'm still with him and go over his place every day. I guess people surprise you sometimes.

Anyways thats about it, I wish I had some pictures to upload but silly me decided to take a 35mm camera with me instead of digital. When I get the film developed though, I shall post a few of them.

In the meantime I hope that everyone has a great week.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Exams are over...Whoopee!!

Had my last exam saturday...finally. It wasnt too bad. I managed to finish it on time - a first.

Now I can finally relax. Cas and myself are planning to go on a camping trip in January to Straddy...should be heaps and heaps of fun. AH yes i can imagine it now, just lazing away all day under the sun, sipping on some cold/warm refreshments. I'm really excited...

In the meantime though, il be working selling sunnies again. I really want to start now so i can afford to buy stuff. Im so broke! PLUS i want to be able to get decent christmas presents...which at the moment is not going to happen.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

It was a gross disappointment...

WE went to the wedding last was an absolute stinker. The food was shocking [e.g we had shark fin soup, quail, and tiny tiny portions of everything. Note: we didnt eat the shark fin soup and pretended to eat the quail in protest]. It was also really awkward and an extremely uncomfortable setting...reminding me of why I never went to these things before. Ah well, I've learnt my lesson.

Anyways here are the photos, didnt really get any good shots because the people at our table
were giving us wierd looks.

Below: The sharks get their revenge...the spilled shark fin soup [when my mum and sister were wrestling with the plate].

Friday, October 20, 2006

Memories of Pets lost...

Last saturday, Jason and myself held a little memorial service for our 3 fish that tragically lost their lives late last year/early this year. IT was pretty sad, J came up to me and suggested we pick flowers to put on their grave. I have some photos of this sombre occassion.