Friday, October 13, 2006

Ok, so i'm a slackarse...

I'm guessing by blog is looking a bit bland due to lack of posts...sheer neglect and well laziness i suppose. Many things have happened since the last post. Firstly, we finished that assignment - although im not too happy with the quality. Should pass though. Secondly, I've been busy with other assignments, which i can greatfully say, are all completed [with no help from my other group members - sheesh that was an ordeal i tells ya]. Thirdly, I have just been busy looking for work experience through the uni and also through other avenues (fingers crossed i'l have something to do these summer holidays). So indeed i am a busy girl.

AND yes, i am quite aware that my blog is boring. I haven't really been anywhere or done anything so the camera's have taken a bit of a break. However, this will soon change with the holidays coming up.

Also i have a wedding to go to on the 21st...with my mum and sister (hmmmm should be interesting), so i'l soon have wonderful pictures to post. Oh and on the 11th of November it's Tai's 4th birthday (the little boy in the photos of Lydia's b'day) il have even more photos.

So to my fellow readers, dont despair, this blog will soon be vibrant and wonderful again.



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