Thursday, November 03, 2005

Exams are approaching quicker than expected

It's official...exams are worrying things. The more i start to think about the upcoming exams the more i begin to wonder, why? why did you have to do a double degree? could you not just do a 3 year degree like everybody else?!

I'm already in too deep anyways...i think its just the time in the year where all doubts begin to surface...i guess thats the whole idea of 'exam week' - to compound all the fears of the year into one. I think its just a matter of not looking at it like that...think of it as the last time you get to show how much you know about the subject [whether its a little or not] - look at it positively, e.g. after the exams holidays become official...3 months of bliss [or in my case finding a job - but still blissful].

so i'm going to do my study... now that i have managed to convince myself that exams are not so bad...

so off i go...will post again soon [hopefully without so much ranting involved]


At 6:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry sammy am, you're doing something you wanna do, and when its all over you'll have that extra feeling of satisfaction and pride coz you stuck in there for soooo long. at least you don't have to get a proper job any time soon. i finish next year and i still don't have a clue what i wanna do with myself. you get to be a uni student for the next few years so live it up now!!!


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