Where art thou???
Many of you must be wondering where the heck I have been...what wonderful adventures I have been on...what stories I have to share. I wish I did have wonderful adventures and stories but truthfully I have just been having BBQ's every day for 2 weeks and the other two weeks I have just been watching prime time TV [yay]. So then why still the lack of posts? Because I'm never really home, and the place I go to hang out has no internet. Hence the prime time TV.
Anyways I might as well tell you about the only major thing that has really happened to me. I have a man/boy. I tried to keep it a secret as long as possible for obvious reasons. But somehow the cat came out of the bag and MUM found out. I suspect it is one of the gossiping Cambodian people. Anyways she didn't really get angry [what a huge surprise and relief]. She did say that she was embarrassed though because 'everyone' knew before her. But I guess she was ok with it cause i'm still with him and go over his place every day. I guess people surprise you sometimes.
Anyways thats about it, I wish I had some pictures to upload but silly me decided to take a 35mm camera with me instead of digital. When I get the film developed though, I shall post a few of them.
In the meantime I hope that everyone has a great week.