I'm back...with a vengence (well not really)
Ok, so I know that some of you guys were worried that this blog was dead. In all honesty, I haven't really done anything interesting. Maybe I lie. Two things have happened since my last post (November???).
I've moved out of home. Folks seem to be surprisingly ok with it. Some days I like the independence, although mostly it's more work than I really need. Cleaning the dishes is not much fun. In all honesty, the house is a bit of a mess at the moment. We haven't vaccumed in yonks.
Got myself a grown-up job. I work for the Department of Employment and Industrial Relations, more specifically for Wageline. Sounds good doesnt it?. Well its ok, still in training at the moment. Basically I sit on a desk and spend all day answering telephone calls from the public, employers, solicitors etc. about employment conditions and employment law. If you go to www.wageline.qld.gov.au you can find out a bit more. I hope to work there even after I graduate and hopefully find a full time job working in the policy department.
Anyways gotta go back to my assignment. I'm trying to not leave things to the last minute because I no longer have as much time to procrastinate (studying 5 subjects is a bummer).
Anyways thats all for me,