Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sabi - the new edition to our household

Okay, so i haven't been keeping up with the posts. I've been really really busy these past few weeks. I've pretty much had an assignment due one after the other and now i've started working two days a week. Next Thursday, my training will be finished so that should be good, I'l get a $10 hr pay rise - yay. I'm trying to save up for that trip to melbourne. So far, my balance doesnt seem to be moving either way...I have no idea what i spend my money on either cause Wun basically pays for everything.

Anyways getting to the point of the post, we got a puppy. She's a cross terrier/chihuahua. She looks nothing like a chihuahua though. Here are the photos.

at 5 weeks

at 6 weeks

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Ciao Laura...

A good pal of mine is moving back to Melbourne tomorrow. I thought i'd dedicate this post to Laura as she farewells us this Thursday. The group of us uni girls have been together for 3 years so it will be sad to say goodbye to her.

On Saturday we had dinner at Satay Hut and went to West End to celebrate our friendship (that sounds corny haha). Then Laura and myself went clubbing. Anyways, it was a good night.

Mmmmmm...Dinner [Sambal].


Out clubbing...all sweaty and gross