Thursday, November 03, 2005

Cas and I at the beach [friends are great!!!]

what i can look forward to in the holidays.... as you can see, i'm slowly figuring out how to use technology. This is a pic of me (left) and cas (my best mate) - as you can see we are having a darn great time at the was a great day, hopefully that's how the holidays will feel. I must say im getting really excited about the holidays...many things to do, many places to see, and lots and lots of great times to be had.


At 6:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez, sammy, i must say that is a shitty photo of me u have just shown to the world!!! Best friend my arse!!!! ha ha, jokes. yeah that was a cool day, especially the part where i beat u and ves at mini golf. oh well, not to worry, u'll have plenty more time on the holidays to practice your mini golfing skills, and i'll be there to cheer u on my friend! Bye bye my little goose


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