Friday, December 02, 2005


I was thinking about this post all morning. I was considering whether I should express my views on this subject or keep it to myself. I decided to share it with the rest of the world...I guess if i kept it to myself what would be the use of starting this blog [although to be honest i did not have any idea what the purpose of this blog was to be when i started it]. It is a bit of a full fledged rant...

I guess most people in Australia would have some guess as to why this subject is suddenly on my mind...Van Nugyen, a convicted drug trafficker was hanged today. That's not the disappointing thing, the most disappointing thing is that people in Australia believe that there is justification for taking away the life of a person. I have been following some of the surveys conducted both online and locally and i feel somewhat sad that people would feel it to be okay to take away a persons life simply because it is the law of another country. Clearly there is a reason why it is abolished in so many countries. I guess everyone has their own opinion but at some stage you have to question the need for such harsh punishment.

Retribution and the whole idea of 'an eye for an eye' should be reconsidered, we are all people...i think its about time that we had a reconsideration of what the real cost of 'capital punishment' is.

Okay that's all i needed to say. Sorry its a bit of a philosophical, but i guess at some stage in my life i need to be a little bit punishment is something i Vehemently oppose.

I'm going to have pizza now...[i think i need it after all this yakkin ive been doing]


At 9:23 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah thats so true sarorth. and what annoys me even more is that it would be a totally different story if it was happening to them or someone they loved. i guess they just dont care if it doesnt affect them. its a sad world in which we live my friend.


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