Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I Don't Feel Too Good

Today has been a bit of a dreary day. It began okay, everything seemed fine. I took the bus to go and deposit money on behalf of my dad but it was the journey home that was not so great. I nearly missed my bus but luckily ran and made it in time. When it got to my bus stop I got off as usual, but when I was walking the really short distance home, I felt really dizzy and the light [it was sunny during this time] was blinding me (even with sunnies on). Then the lights started flashing...I got really worried because I couldn't even walk that short distance, I became physically weak. It was really weird, not a good feeling. Somehow I made it home without passing out. When I got home I didn't feel too good, I felt really ill. I tried just laying there on my bed, but that didn't work at first. Eventually I slept it off. When I woke up I did feel a little confused [although that's just me, haha], I couldn't work out what day it was, I thought it was Tuesday [which it is] but then my mind kept telling me, its only Monday...Lucky you its only Monday - you have two days to get over this - and even looking at my calendar, my mind was telling me it was monday. So that was also quite weird. Even more strange is that i knew that i was going to be sick on the sunday night - i had a feeling and i even told cass.

I feel fine now...I think. Hopefully it's temporary because I am going mini-golfing tomorrow. It has taken us weeks to plan this trip and i am really looking forward to it. Also i still have the euphoria of sunday to keep me happy despite the physical pain...did i say that it was a really awesome experience? Well you can hear it again if you didnt catch it the first time.

In other news, i have completed tasks: 1 - go to a concert, 5 - Clean my desk, 10 - Donate to charity (well it was a joint effort but we managed to fill in one of those large black rubbish bags with clothes that were slightly worn and others that we have never worn, it felt good!) and almost finished number 6.

So i think that's it for today...not a very happy post.


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