Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I am a busy girl

It's really summer...:). Ah yes, you can smell the stench of BO in the air...not particularly pleasing may i add. I'm not looking forward to the 40 degree heat and high humidity. It would be great if i lived near the beach, i would spend every moment of summer there just lazing about.

Anyways getting to what i have actually done. Today, despite the searing heat...we were able to buy a christmas tree and decorate it all in one day. We didnt get to buy Jason another fish though, we thought it may be a bit cruel holding a fish in the heat while we waited for our bus. But that shall be done in due time. We spent the rest of the day on the couch sipping on cold drinks with ice cubes out of tea cups, ah summer...its great i tells ya.

It was quite an accomplishment putting up the tree i must say. It's the first time that we have officially celebrated christmas...the presents are already starting to pile up too, well maybe for Jason. Although there is still plenty of time to get around to buying the rest i suppose.

Okay that's all i have to say...i shall go and sip on cold drinks out of tea cups.


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