Sunday, December 04, 2005

They're really coming!!!!

Got an email today from Audioline, they've found the money that i deposited in their account. This means that i will be getting that guitar and ukelele next week. Yay for me...well it's for cass so yay for her.

Oh i did some cleaning out of stuff and i found one of those Merlin the Wizard print outs [the ones that tell you your personal chart]. I couldnt even remember getting it, but it says it was prepared on the 28th February 2005. Its interesting because it was only for a little fun and ive just read the stuff again and it says that for this year in 2005 [it is]: The happiest most creative most social year yet. Enjoy it. Don't waste time by worrying about useless things you can't change. Don't scatter yourself. Self expression through art. Travel and have fun. Exciting things can happen for you and the people you like to make happy. So getting to my point...Despite the fact that we know these things say pretty vague things and im guessing the same things to many people, i must agree. This has been the happiest, most creative social year
yet :-).

It also told me to plan to do important things from March 21 to April 19 and October 21 to November 27. Clearly i dint listen because I cant remember what i did on those days but i can tell that on the 27th November i was at the Ben Lee i guess you gotta give that piece of paper a little credit...

ökay that's my morning post...i have to do the washing from last night [that i so happily avoided] and laundry now [all by myself :-( ]

take care


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