I haven't really been updating this blog recently. It's been pretty hectic until now. Holidays has finally begun and so I should have some interesting things to write [hopefully]. So far its been good. We went camping [me, cas and pin] the other day - we went to Jacob's Well.
I've got a few pictures that can show how it was - it sure beats my description. haha.
Wow our bonfire looks HUGE. Oh, and Cas, you look like a kitten. hahahahaFishing...
Me and my prize winning fish. hahaha. I can barely see it.
These pelicans were so BIG that i look a little frightened. haha. More like a little embarrassed.
It was really good - we managed to have a bonfire even though the campsite we paid $29 to stay didnt allow it. It ended up being a pretty good fire as well, I guess it pays to have loads of newspaper as fuel.