Friday, June 23, 2006

My 20th Birthday...a couple of days [almost a month late. haha]

If there's anything I have learnt - it is that being 20 [or 21 in the Case of Jill] doesn't mean you have to stop making faces in photos. hahaha.

OOohhh a gift bag - Me being an idiot and trying to fit inside a very big [shiny] gift bag. And being told not to by Tams. haha. For those who are wondering...I am sporting a shirt also given to me for my birthday. And yes, I finally own a turntable. Woo hoo - I am officially hip.


At 10:18 am, Blogger Elliott Scott said...

A holy crap! you have a turntable! I am entirely envious! Hope you had a good birthday. 20 wow! so old! before you know it you'll be 50. HAHA!

At 11:09 am, Blogger sar86 said...

Hahaha, yes that is true in 30 odd years I will be 50. But hey, At least I'l have the comfort of knowing that "others" will reach that age before I do. Hahaha...


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