Saturday, May 06, 2006

All done and only 57hours without sleep!

This past week has been a whirlwind for me. I'm so glad it's over and I have made it out with 3assignments done with little left to worry about. I've realised after this experience that i shall never go without 57hours of sleep again. It's no fun. Although I wouldn't say i looked or acted tired, I felt like absolute crap. I had a headache and didn't feel all too good - BUT it's over and I have had 18hours of sleep to make up for it...somewhat. I still have a headache though - probably from oversleeping.

I really feel like going and and doing something though. A little shopping is on the books i think. Actually, maybe more than a little. I'l have to hold off the other forms of celebration for wednesday though when hopefully pin has finished all hers.

I'm going to have brekky 1:23 pm. I'm so hungry.

okay, I shall go now but will be back to post about the life of a uni student.


At 10:22 pm, Blogger Elliott Scott said...

57 hours! HOLY CRAP!


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