Friday, November 04, 2005 all its glory

nature = beautiful


At 12:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That waterfall looks nice & cool! ^_^
Yeah I know I shouldn't be visiting people's blog - but hey, procrastination is just part of every uni student's life ;-)

Good luck for your exams!

At 1:03 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

haha absolutely true...i think thats how this blog was born. Technology provides an array of ways to procrastinate.

good luck with your exams too...summaries will come in handy

At 6:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've decided to write a comment for all your thingy's you've put in so ppl will think u have friends (ha ha we got them fooled). even though that water was ice cold i have a strange urge to go there right now and jump in. i think it may just be the urge to get away from uni actually. next time we go up there i promise i won't push you in again. ha ha that was funny, funny, funny. we would have just sat there for ages going "you jump first, no you jump first" anyways.....probably not, i just wanted to push you in. :P

At 11:04 am, Blogger sar86 said...

yeah next time time il get you back. It was good though, i wouldda jumped anyways but i guess you had to spoil it. Oh well we ended up jumping of the rocks a few time. It was a great day...yep a whole day of greatness.


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