Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Murder, murder, bloody murder

Don't worry I haven't murdered anyone. I thought I'd exaggerate things a bit for the sake of it. We did however kill a cane toad. It was absolutely gross...My mum was yelling at us not to [Buddhist believe in reincarnation, therefore cane toad = person]. We did so anyways, we didn't want Thunder[our dog] to eat it and die. And according to the same beliefs, he is also a person (well we'l say that to ourselves seeing as we practically talk to him like a person).

In more happy news, I am liking the holidays. Despite the sometimes searing heat i have been able to do many things. For one, I visited Laura, who lives i think in the best place - right near the beach. I felt a bit uncomfortable at first visiting her family because its quite small, just herself, her mother and sister. Her mother was really nice, i loved her Italian accent...she seemed to be one of those really loving mothers. Laura and I spent most of the day walking along the beaches in Scarborough and redcliff. It was a really long walk in the really hot sun. But it was good. Although knowing how two law students can [really] be...we were bound to do something that was stupid. Haha, that we did. On our way back to her house I see a chilli tree, so she picks two. Laura, never having seen how chillies grow tries to smell to see if it really was a chilli. But as chillies go, you cant smell it without cutting it first. I tell her to rip the stalk off. It worked, she was able to smell it. So she gives it to me and then it just splurted out some of its juice on my hands. I tell her that the seeds are what make it hot. She almost goes to taste it but then i said not to [great advice]. I give it back to her and then she starts rubbing it in her hands. Me, having chillies fairly regularly tells her not to touch her face or eyes. So we both dont touch our hands. But then we see a tap and wash our hands. Thinking that the juice was all gone, we rub our face. Bad, bad idea!!! Wherever we touched started to burn. To make matters worst, it was a long walk home and the heat was an absolute killer, not to mention that it was the birdseye chilli - The Hottest type. Laura got it much worst than me though because im used to chillies. Her upper lip was all red and looked irritated. WE all laughed about it though, including her mum and sister. But i guess the lesson is: SOMETIMES SARORTH DOES KNOW BEST...Haha.

Oh and i also went bowling the other night with Cassie, Lorne (cass's brother) and his friend Gian. It was a pretty good night out despite us being much older than them [a whole 6 years]. We intended to do something during the weekends but we have this reoccuring problem of not having anyone else to do something with. Haha, we are losers [yes we all are - including YOU]!!!

That's all i have to say for today...ciao


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