Sunday, July 02, 2006

20 things to do

I was talking to Cass yesterday and we have both decided to come up with 20 things we should do these holidays. I don't know what the stakes are this time but it gives us something to do, because so far the holidays has meant sleeping in[who says this is a bad thing - haha] and sitting on our arses. Here is the list.

1. Go for my learners
2. Paint 2 pictures
3. Look for a job
4. Learn to play a song on the guitar
5. Clean up my room [this is going to be fun :-l
6. Go up to Redcliffe and pay Laura a visit
7. Go somewhere I haven't been before
8. Plant something - preferably a flower [we'l see if it grows in winter]
9. Buy something random
10. Decorate my wall
11. Skip for at least 2mins a day [my idea of getting fit]
12. Go op-shopping
13. Go out and buy a roll of canvas and make something funky [or not so] out of it
14. Buy a new Jumper/Jacket
15. Send a package
16. Watch a movie
17. Become a Volunteer
18. Start a journal
19. Buy a record
20. Type up my resume

I can't really think of anything else at the moment - any suggestions would be good. I should be back later today to update this and hopefully have 20 at the end of it.


At 8:43 am, Blogger Elliott Scott said...

21. Redevelop the look of the blog. It's lookin a bit stale. Perhaps with some custom HTML-ing perhaps?

At 5:46 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

Hmmm i'l think about that one. I suppose it could do with a bit of brightening up, but is it really worth all the effort?


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