Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Taxes are boring...

My holidays seem to be going so quickly despite the fact that it has been anything but interesting. Yesterday I finally met with Laura at Redcliffe - it was a good day. Her sister and mother are really nice and I love going there because its a big change from where I live. Not to mention the beaches seem to go on forever. We both agreed that next week we're going to meet again and go fishing along one of the wharfs or bridge.

Today I just finished my dad's taxes and my own. I also started SUEY's...Still need a couple of details from her though. So it's been a very interesting day as you can tell. I am thinking of going shopping but I dont really want to go by myself.


At 5:38 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what are you doing typing out my name you spastic - could refer to me as your sister. Why are you writing my name all of the sudden

At 5:23 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

Er cause no one would have known you were my sister til now.

At 5:23 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

Could at least thank me for doing your taxes...

At 6:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha thats funny. she called you a spastic. your SISTER SORYI called you a spastic.


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