Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Final update on the list of things to do...

I can't believe the holidays are over. Just when I was beginning to enjoy it. Oh well...I guess the upside is that I get to see all the uni girls again. Getting to the list of 20 [21]. I guess I kinda lost motivation towards the end of the holidays. I managed to do about 70% of what was on the list.

Most recently I planted a flower with Jason, turns out they were special flowers for Wat [the temple]. OH well, there was a bag of 40 so i'm sure there's plenty left for my mum to plant there.

Um what else have I gotten up to?...Well i've been hanging out with Sophan quite a bit. Her older sister invited me over on saturday to have "hot pot" - that was really nice. I got there a bit early and ended up helping her younger sister and her friend prepare it which was a bit interesting. Actually i did more watching than actually helping lol.

Well thats pretty much most of whats happened. So i'm back at uni and harbouring a flu. So things really seem to be going my way. haha. Well at least i can laugh about it.


At 10:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol, hmmm sarorth for those people that don't know what 'hot pot' is, that just sounded extremely dodgy. haha.

At 6:09 pm, Blogger Elliott Scott said...

Heh heh heh, 'hot pot!', sarorth you saucy minx!
Anyway nice color scheme on the blogerooni...


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