Sunday, July 16, 2006

A Day In the Life of a Volunteer

So I finally got off my arse and did something today...not just anything, but something that I can tell people about it and have a certificate to show for it. Hmmm yes, sounds actually a tad bit lame - which of course it ended up being.

Had to wake up at 8:30 this morining [which happens to be a challenge in itself]. Walked to the train station and had to wait 40 mins because apparently trains only come every hour until 10. So that was 9:51 - got off at the next stop. Went to check the bus timetable. Which was also another 40 mins wait. Needing to be on campus by 10:45, I walked to the uni instead. The weather was alright for most of the walk and then it started to get quite sunny. Got there a little early and just tried to work out where I needed to be. Couldn't find the lady but ran into another guy who was supposed to volunteer as well. We tried looking for the lady but then decided to go back to the information tent.

Eventually found the lady who was organising everything and got my dashing Griffith outfit [with name tag and cap]. We were told our tasks...and who would be working with who. And of course with my luck, I got stuck with a guy named Geremy who was just the biggest idiot. I'l get to him later.

WE had to sit at the entrance to Griffith and wave at the people and give them directions to the car park when needed. It was pretty much a bludge session. And oh, did I mention the weather.

Ah Geremy - what can I say, he was just a loser with a self-inflated ego. He studies IT and thinks he's a bit of a 'player'. haha. I thought to myself on the day that that was pretty funny.


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