It's really friday...yay! and its raining...double yay!
It's raining today [as the title would suggest] wonderful to see, although not great for when you want to sit down at the bus stop.
Okay so not much has happened today...its only 10 at the moment so early days yet. I did see a strange thing today: a man waiting at the bus stop with a yellow bucket [well i think its wierd]. so in following the theme: "yellow bucket day", i decided to come up with five uses for a yellow bucket on a rainy day.
1. Seeing as the bus stop seats are wet, you could use the yellow bucket as a temporary seat [note: not recommended for people weighing more than 1kg]
2. As drought season has not yet passed, you could use the yellow bucket to collect water and gleefully distribute it around your neighbour's yard [think of it as your contribution to society]
3. You could use the yellow bucket as a umbrella [rain needs to be falling straight down for this to work - its worth a try]
4. To wave down the bus - because as experience has taught us, some bus drivers have "selective sight" and dont stop for some people and since yellow is such a lovely colour, im sure theyl be happy to let you in
5. The best one yet: the yellow bucket can be your new friend, you can call it "yellow" and hold it by the handle and dance around in the rain [it's a guarantee to brighten your day, and mine].
okay thats about all i can come up with at the moment. To all those with exams coming up, dont get too worried, things work out in the end. if not, i recommend you buy a yellow bucket, it has many uses.
i'l chat later...bye

gee thanks
oh yeah by the way, i love the colours on your page too, very cool.
haha thats alrigh cass, the colours are a template but yeah it this template is better than the first one because its more structured and also the colours. and the spam is really annoying...i know i dont have many friends but spam is NOT a substitute!
i was wondering what that was. i was like "who are the crazy ppl sarorth's been hanging out with?" Now i know. my life is now complete.
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