Thursday, December 15, 2005

I gots me a job...wippee, i'm an adult now!

hey hey my fellow people...

I got a call today from Jill telling me some really good news...she got me a job. The great thing is, i didn't need to give in a resume or have an interview so i totally avoided the processes that i was dreading [for those who don't know, this will be my first job. Hence, my resume is pretty much fluff - me trying to say in many words that i dont have experience but to hire me anyways --yeah hasnt been working for me]. Anyways it sounds like a really good gig - i can dress casually, and its a clearance table so i wont have to deal with complicated registers [yay!]. BUT in saying that, i do however, have to wear a BUMBAG...yes so cool, so cool. If i haven't already cemented my place as a loser, this should do it. hahaha. yes laugh, i'm laughing too. Oh probably should mention where i will be working - Its the Bright Eyes table at the Beenleigh Market Place Shopping Centre, so come and visit me - why not buy a pair of sunnies or two. It's a short term thing - to cater for the pre-christmas rush but i guess three weeks work will look good on the resume...not to mention the bank account :-)

So off i go with my new found adultness...


At 6:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahahaha laugh i will Sam I Am for the image of you wearing a bumbag is priceless. haha, nah at least u have a job. i've given up trying. for now im just gonna enjoy the holidays and worry about things when i really have to. haha, sounds good in theory....

At 7:04 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

hahaha, yes i did have to wear it...but you know me, i found a way to pass it off and get someone else to

At 7:04 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

muahahahaha, i'm so evil!!!


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