Happy Birthday Cas!!!
I thought i'd dedicate this post to Cas turning 20 and the day we spent celebrating her birthday.
Today we did many things. First we went to the Arcade. That was pretty fun...we even won a token or two. And even better we were able to get Cas a badge that said 'birthday boy'. haha...close enough right?! [haha - love the sarcastic look cas! It really doesnt beat my overly happy/loony look though. bwahaha]

Next we went to see Rent at the cinemas and man that was a bit of a shocker of a movie. To make matters worst none of us are into the musical genre. Them breaking into song and dance just as a serious conversation was taking place was getting to me a bit. But we did get a laugh out of it...Even though most of the other people didnt see what was so funny. After that we had to take Cas to uni. We were able to take some more photos there.
Below: Cas and her bottle of personalised vodka and a Group shot.
All in all a very good day. Once again Cas, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
haha you look mighty loopy in that photo of us playing basketball sarorth. ahahahaha. i love the photo of my one ticket from that stupid game though. haha. very cool. all in all, a very awesome day. thanks guys!!!
why thank you ironman. haha.
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