Saturday, March 11, 2006


I've been thinking a fair bit today. I'm not happy living here with my parents. I am contemplating moving out very soon. I went out thursday night to celebrate Cass' birthday. I got home at 1:30-1:50am. They got pretty angry. In fact I not only got a little lecture from my mother on the way to uni the next day but all today they were having this discussion about what I did and how i'm such a bad child. etc, etc... I didn't need this - so i listened to my ipod. I have avoided them for the better part of yesterday and all today. I don't need to justify my going out that day - I let them know why I went out and they still got angry. I guess it didn't help that Paul got out of the car and took a piss on my front yard. She mentioned that too and now has this theory that I didn't in fact go to celebrate Cass' birthday but that I only go out to meet guys. Which is not true - the only reason why paul and his friend was there was because they happened to be at Fitzy's and drove us home.


At 10:07 am, Blogger Elliott Scott said...

I'm glad to hear you're moving out.

My only concern is this: Will your parents take out their anger on your younger sister and brothers? Are they going to suffer for your moving out? I'm worried about this when your sister leaves too. As is she. Is it possible for all the kids to leave? I'm scared for you all.

At 11:05 am, Blogger sar86 said...

I don't know. I mean if I am the supposed cause of all this comotion I might as well leave. Just some things need to be taken care of in relation to finances and I guess living details. I think the kids should be fine - they'l have my dad. We'l see though...

At 5:55 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

You have no idea what my mother is like. If you knew her you would understand where I was coming from.

At 11:19 pm, Blogger Elliott Scott said...

No, I didnt think you were the cause of the problem in general, maybe this current battle, but not the war...

At 11:20 pm, Blogger Elliott Scott said...

ironman, its great you love your mom, but sarorths situation is not your typical...


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