Sunday, April 09, 2006

Two BIG nights = exhaustion

Well i finally have something to write in this blog - and you all thought that this blog would just roll over and die, didn't you?!

Anyways i went out Friday night and ended up sleeping at Pin's house. We spent most of the night watching rugby at the same time as organising who was going out with us - pin didnt quite understand the rules and just sat there anyways. The things i make my friends do - haha. It ended up only being the two of us and two of her friends [Jay and Jeffrey]. I spent most of the night laughing at how the people were dancing - particularly Jeffrey who was trying to dance to hip hop music and it just did not suit him [imagine a pretty boy dancing to hip hop/gangster music - doesnt quite work]. For some reason people kept asking me what was wrong...maybe i was staring into space too long, i dont know. It wasnt that great. I guess the fact that Cas wasnt there. It's not her fault though, i did say that we weren't going, I didn't really expect to drop what she was doing. Which is proof again of our inability to plan.

We ended up leaving at 3 and i slept over Pin's [with the help of my sister's covering for my whereabouts]. I woke up around 8 and tried to get Pin to drop me off home but she was in a deep sleep. I woke her up again at 10:30 and then she dropped me off. Once I got home I had an hour to get ready for my sister's graduation.


[photos: yes i know, they're shocking quality]

The ceremony itself wasn't too bad - although towards the end was just really, really boring. I enjoyed the jazz music they played. The procedures were really formal. It was similar to the way a court/parliament would operate. The announcer had to address the Chancellor as though she were some holy figure and every graduating student had to tip their hats.

Well that got the boring bit out of the way...

Anyways afterwards we went to a korean restaurant - i cant remember the name but its across the road from the myer centre. It was different, in a good way though. We managed to all fit there despite having 11 people turn up. After that, we went to Gilhooley's. That was a really casual affair. But of course, as it goes - there is bound to be something stupid that happens...especially when tanner and linus are left holding a lighter. They burnt a coaster and put that in between two ash trays which then exploded and flew everwhere. It made a pretty loud noise too. The security guard was too dopey to notice though. haha. Oh and Elliott forgot to pay for his drinks [and he left his credit card with them] because we just upped and left to go to the Mustang Bar. I don't think it was his day. He forgot his ID so they wouldnt let him into the Mustang Bar.

We ended up going to Ric's Bar and just sat outside. There was this really awkard time when my sister and her friend [rose] left to go check out some place. Because there was a few of us there, we were split into two tables. There was just this silence. It doesn't really help when every person at that table I was sitting at was the quiet type. I just got a sense that many of us were tired. We managed to get my sister to have a tequila shot. I think she got a wee bit drunk. On the train home she was really talkative. I think most of the girls there has a wierd thing with alcohol. Corrine can't drink cause she gets really sick, Stephanie can't have much because she gets drunk really easy [after a tequila shot and a cocktail she was tearing up - wierdest thing i've ever seen] and off course with me and my sister - we get really red and get a rash on our neck [which doesn't really happen to me anymore].

I could have really summed the night in a few points instead of writing all that crapola. I'l do it anyways:
1. I was tired - but that was okay, i'm always tired.
2. Elliott looked Really, really tired/stressed [hence the forgetting of important stuff] - my sister, not so much
3. Rose was tired and looked uncomfortable because of the sarcastic-fast-[somewhat] academics talk. And the the fact that talking was the only thing that was happening didnt help.
4. It's really hard to convince my sister to drink-even though this thing was organised for her and Elliott.
5. Many people were coming and going throughout the night, and there seemed to be a lot of calling up people to see if they could make it
6. I lost paper, scissors and rock to Tanner. He won everytime.

Okay that's about it...My perspective is so uninteresting - but it has to be done. Someone has to speak for the small people and it might as well be me.

I have to go and finish [err, start] my assignment that is due tomorrow. It's only 1000 words so its not an impossible feat...i've managed to finish bigger, and scarier assignments the night before. So, that i shall do now.


At 11:56 am, Blogger Elliott Scott said...

HAHA! I was TOTALLY stressed. But thanks for noticing and not laughing at me...

At 3:02 am, Blogger Elliott Scott said...

Wait a minute, WHAT? Your sis was drunk? No... I shan't beleive she was even tipsy. Not even. But talkative huh? Weird.

Anyway sorry that your night was boring. Which is why I was so stressed, you know the feeling when you host a party you feel like it's your responsibility for everyone to have fun? Well I felt really bad.

Poor Rose. She looked bored out of her mind. As did eveyone else, but her 'specially.

Well at least there won't be anymore boring nights out with me for you. YAY! (for you)

At 9:59 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

It wasn't that bad-maybe having it n the day of graduation didn't help much in terms of people rocking up. AND who knows, maybe we left the "party" when things were getting interesting. I guess I'L never know...


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