re-editing...cause i can and i will
well as you can tell i've removed that post. Why? well...cause i wanted to. I read over it and wooohh can i make up some crap. I think i was just trying to reassure myself that everything was going to be okay...which it did end up being but i guess i didnt need to say it in so many word.

(Cas, Moi and Ves)
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look at little sarorthy in this photo. ha ha, your head looks tiny compared to mine and ves'. hee hee hee, i can laugh coz its usually me with the small head.
hey, instead of "we're all in this together" (courtesy of Ben Lee), you should have wrote "Catch my disease" (courtesy of Ben Lee). Ha ha, that would have gotten ppl's attention. ewww, gross.
yeah that would
hmm cass, that sounds like a great idea...ahh not really! i wanted something happy on that bit but since my brain was not working properly i put the first song that went into my head.
but yeah thats the best photo i think ive got...its not too bad-at least we look happy in it.
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