Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Final update on the list of things to do...

I can't believe the holidays are over. Just when I was beginning to enjoy it. Oh well...I guess the upside is that I get to see all the uni girls again. Getting to the list of 20 [21]. I guess I kinda lost motivation towards the end of the holidays. I managed to do about 70% of what was on the list.

Most recently I planted a flower with Jason, turns out they were special flowers for Wat [the temple]. OH well, there was a bag of 40 so i'm sure there's plenty left for my mum to plant there.

Um what else have I gotten up to?...Well i've been hanging out with Sophan quite a bit. Her older sister invited me over on saturday to have "hot pot" - that was really nice. I got there a bit early and ended up helping her younger sister and her friend prepare it which was a bit interesting. Actually i did more watching than actually helping lol.

Well thats pretty much most of whats happened. So i'm back at uni and harbouring a flu. So things really seem to be going my way. haha. Well at least i can laugh about it.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

A Day In the Life of a Volunteer

So I finally got off my arse and did something today...not just anything, but something that I can tell people about it and have a certificate to show for it. Hmmm yes, sounds actually a tad bit lame - which of course it ended up being.

Had to wake up at 8:30 this morining [which happens to be a challenge in itself]. Walked to the train station and had to wait 40 mins because apparently trains only come every hour until 10. So that was 9:51 - got off at the next stop. Went to check the bus timetable. Which was also another 40 mins wait. Needing to be on campus by 10:45, I walked to the uni instead. The weather was alright for most of the walk and then it started to get quite sunny. Got there a little early and just tried to work out where I needed to be. Couldn't find the lady but ran into another guy who was supposed to volunteer as well. We tried looking for the lady but then decided to go back to the information tent.

Eventually found the lady who was organising everything and got my dashing Griffith outfit [with name tag and cap]. We were told our tasks...and who would be working with who. And of course with my luck, I got stuck with a guy named Geremy who was just the biggest idiot. I'l get to him later.

WE had to sit at the entrance to Griffith and wave at the people and give them directions to the car park when needed. It was pretty much a bludge session. And oh, did I mention the weather.

Ah Geremy - what can I say, he was just a loser with a self-inflated ego. He studies IT and thinks he's a bit of a 'player'. haha. I thought to myself on the day that that was pretty funny.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Taxes are boring...

My holidays seem to be going so quickly despite the fact that it has been anything but interesting. Yesterday I finally met with Laura at Redcliffe - it was a good day. Her sister and mother are really nice and I love going there because its a big change from where I live. Not to mention the beaches seem to go on forever. We both agreed that next week we're going to meet again and go fishing along one of the wharfs or bridge.

Today I just finished my dad's taxes and my own. I also started SUEY's...Still need a couple of details from her though. So it's been a very interesting day as you can tell. I am thinking of going shopping but I dont really want to go by myself.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Update on the list of 20 (21 thanks to Elliott)

I finally have my learners. So I can tick that off my list. I have also typed up my resume - and been 'actively' looking for a job. Online applications really suck though. I know all about HRM and how they use it to 'screen out' applicants. Damn criterias. Anyways we'l see how that goes. I will be volunteering for Griffith Open day so that will soon be off the list. And ummm as for the painting and getting all creative - i'l leave that til the last couple of days. It doesnt take long to paint something...who said it had to look nice? haha.

Well thats all I have for now.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I passed everything - yay

I was so worried that I was going to fail property law - but turns out I've passed that. Such a big weight off my shoulder. I think I can truly enjoy my holidays now.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

20 things to do

I was talking to Cass yesterday and we have both decided to come up with 20 things we should do these holidays. I don't know what the stakes are this time but it gives us something to do, because so far the holidays has meant sleeping in[who says this is a bad thing - haha] and sitting on our arses. Here is the list.

1. Go for my learners
2. Paint 2 pictures
3. Look for a job
4. Learn to play a song on the guitar
5. Clean up my room [this is going to be fun :-l
6. Go up to Redcliffe and pay Laura a visit
7. Go somewhere I haven't been before
8. Plant something - preferably a flower [we'l see if it grows in winter]
9. Buy something random
10. Decorate my wall
11. Skip for at least 2mins a day [my idea of getting fit]
12. Go op-shopping
13. Go out and buy a roll of canvas and make something funky [or not so] out of it
14. Buy a new Jumper/Jacket
15. Send a package
16. Watch a movie
17. Become a Volunteer
18. Start a journal
19. Buy a record
20. Type up my resume

I can't really think of anything else at the moment - any suggestions would be good. I should be back later today to update this and hopefully have 20 at the end of it.