Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Help Name This Cat...

hey all [that being cas and probably myself]

its a tuesday, and i'm spending today at Cass' house playing with her kitten [yep, cuz that's what i do when i have an exam in two days]. It's actually a pretty good day because i think i need today to just get over the exam i had yesterday and just wind down for a moment.

So as i have stated in the title, we need to name her cute kitten. here is a picture of her, she's 7 weeks old and has quote 'fur like an emu' but we dont think that 'emu' would be a particularly good name. Also she's really hyperactive [likes to bite and scratch things-which includes people too] but the main thing is that she's really cute.

we were thinking maybe an egyptian name but 'cleopatra' seems to common. so if anyone has any suggestions let me know. It won't let me put up a picture yet, so il do that on monday.

okay i'm off to have lunch now, that's about it for today


At 8:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats my kitty, you ccant name her!!! she already has a name....hello kitty


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