Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I changed the template...what do you think?

5 days til christmas...woot woot

My four days working for Bright Eyes has proved many things to me, who would have thought i would actually LEARN something of use?!

First the most important lesson that i have learnt...there are many strange people in this world! To illustrate, the other day i saw an old lady ride around in a low push bike in the shopping centre...wierd? I think so. Also there was this lady who was telling us about how her husband divorced her and telling us her whole life story. Yes it was a wierd minute or so. Worst type of people...rude, grumpy people. Today i was working with Jill. This old lady bought a pair of sunglasses and requested a receipt [we normally dont issue receipts because we have to write it manually(old school)]. So Jill goes and writes her a receipt...but then when she goes and gives it to the lady, the lady totally disses Jill and pushes her trolley really quickly and walks away. Man i totally do not want to be that bitter when i get old.

Oh i was totally going to write something else i learnt but to be honest i think ive lost my chain of thought. haha, nothing new about that. And anyways i should probably save some of my working experiences for another day...they do get kinda boring to read about all at once.

Adios...Sarorth off to get some shut eye [or listen to my ipod til the crack o'dawn]


At 1:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man! you changed it again! I think you might need some old school HTML customization. Ask your sis if you don't know how to do it. Shirley she'll know. And if she doesn't we can laugh at her and taunt her untill our throats are sore.

At 9:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm, i think i liked your old one better. This one's a little depressing. But hey, thats just my opinion......and my opinion counts dammit, so change it back now!!!!! haha, nah who am i kidding, i don't really care.


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