The most awesomest t-shirt design
My sister got back from Sydney today...she got me two t-shirts [i had to pay for it]. I really love the designs on the tees...[anyone who knows me, knows that the only thing i EVER wear are t-shirts and jeans/shorts/skirts(occassionally). Also something totally off track: an old friend from high school [pin] just messaged me on msn and here is the funniest/stupid conversation i've had so far...
pin: oi
me: hey pin, long time no see
pin: yeah
me: so what have you been up to
pin: hey do fish have sex?
me: hahahaha, of course they do
pin: lol
me: thats so funny
pin: haha yeah
me: so why did you need to know?
pin: having an argument with my friend...
That was a short and WIERD conversation...oh pin, she can be such a airhead sometimes. Can you believe that she was a major NERD and BOOKWORM? haha, its hard to tell.

HAHA fish sex is funny. But um, I hate to disagree with you and all, but I don't think fish do actually 'have sex' as such. They do usually reprodce sexually, but whether it's sexual intercourse is a different story. Usually the female ejects the eggs onto the sea-bed and the male puts his sperm over them to fertilise. I don't think it's usually the case of him putting his ... into her ....
And cut your sis some slack would ya! Sure, you had to pay for the shirts, but we seriously spent AGES looking for clothes for you guys. AGES! My feet hurt! STILL! We musta gone into 20 different stores, and that store where we did get your stuff we went to 3 times in as many days, and we were in there for at least an hour the final time!
Then again, I am a bit bias....
Fish sex! WOOHOO!
Haha, okay, so i admit i'm not the expert on fish. But they do 'courting'and do the whole mating thing...I guess its something that you dont learn unless you need it, which in my case i dont.
As for the shopping - you guys must be the most inefficient shoppers ever! Thanks anyways...i bet if you werent there she would have ended up getting me some glittery t-shirt.
Inefficient!? INEFFICIENT!? We make the Germans and or Japanese look like wide-eyed children who wandered into a candy store! We were on a mission! ... but then we got distracted by .. um... SYDNEY!
Glittery shirt: no way.
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