Friday, January 06, 2006


Okay, s0 its official, sunday is our last day. I'm sad that it'l be over, i was really catching on to everything. Although i am also quite happy because i may get my sanity back.

Today was pretty much like yesterday...ive come to really regret my decision of recommending ves [it was mainly out of trying to help her out with her financial woes]. I really would have preferred to be working with cas, she would be such a better worker and conversationalist - but the timing was just not right i guess...she's still in japan by the way. She comes back tomorrow, i may not even get to see her for another week or so because she leaves for Darwin to spend time with part and ann. I had to bail out because of my strict parents. oh well everything happens for a reason, i dont feel comfortable going there anyways.

I was going to write something else...yes thats right. I was going to go on a rant about the things about her that annoy me, because i dont have cas to talk to and it'l hurt her feelings if i told her - shes still depressed a bit i think. [I have a story about why SMSs are bad...if you want to read it, its at the bottom of this post]

Here is my rant:

1. she's a lazy worker, i have to put in so much more effort than her. She sits on the floor for about 2/3 of the time while i stand for most of the day. 2. she has no idea what this job entails, under her watch [i was out to lunch] one of the watches were stolen, not the crappy ones either. And its not because they were sly about it, its because she stands there with her back turned to the watches and stares into space. She's so lucky they didnt take more because the opportunity was there 3. I cant deal with her complaining about how broke she is [trust me, she is! over $3,000 on her credit card] and then having to hear how shes spent all this money on lip gloss...yadeda. Arrrgggh. 4. She never listens to me...or anyone else for that matter. Every time we close up the store we get escorted by the security guard, we normally talk a fair bit to them. But today, she just would not shut up. The guard tried to talk but she just kept talking over us. I felt embarrassed for her.

...she brings out the worst in me. Strange thing is that i expected her to be better because of the medication she's been taking but i guess talking about herself is a part of her nature. I miss Jill, we had great conversations. I'm looking forward to sunday when i will be working with Eva, I find her conversations to be so much more stimulating.


Was invited to ves's bf birthday party. didnt want to go but felt sorry for her so i went. It was an absolute shocker of a "party". A sleasy filipino guy [the guy who's house this was at] kept hitting on me, and ves being drunk and all found it humourous. It was not funny and to be honest, highly uncomfortable. But i dealt with it for her. She got way drunk - her bf was angry because she talks alot when she's drunk and is rude to everyone...which she managed to achieve. So fast forward...i went home and was not happy about what like what we always do, i wrote a text message to cas to tell her about how terrible it was. BUT, instead of sending it to cas, i sent it to Ves! The text was pretty bad, i remember writing about how she was being embarrassing and rude. BUT i did write that i'd be the first person to defend her. So yeah pretty bad situation because she called me right away. I was so shocked that it would happen, something youd see in a movie.


At 4:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

man that was bad hey? haha. and then to make things worse i ended up doing the same thing a week later. Argghhhh!! we are so stupid.


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