Year in Review
Today is the first day of 2006. Geesh its come and gone quite quickly. Last night was a night of great clarity...cas is at Japan and thus left me to spend new years with Ann, part, part's sisters and some other people. We spent half the night trying to find Sophia's boyfried. When we did, he was an arsehole and preferred to spend new years with his friends instead of her. It was quite sad seeing her upset even though i dont really know her...i'm glad that her older sister was their though to comfort her. I also felt sorry for ann maree because it was also her birthday today and she was all dressed up but we didnt end up going anywhere special [well depending on who you are, southbank is not so special]. It was only part and myself who ended up being there when the clock struck 12. Felt kinda wierd being the third wheel and all but i was glad to be there to celebrate with them.
Amongst all that commotion and happenings, it was interesting. I have this whole new found view about people in my life and those who were not previously in my life but have indirectly become so. I had a lot of time to think deeply about this year, about people, about life in general.
I'm glad that i found these things out but at the same time loved being naiive.
MY new years resolution is a simple one:
Its nothing major but i think it might help me to be more open person and to enjoy more of what the world has to offer. I hoped this post hasnt been to melancholic or lacking the normal happiness i world normally exude [you betcha...i'm normally a happy person].
Seeing as i love photos so much, here is a photo. Although not related to this post whatsoever it is a good illustration of my internal happiness.

Sarorth, skidattling out of here
hey there! who's the chick in the photo? and what did you mean you have a whole new view on ppl in your life? does that include me? i want answers dammit!! haha, and remember, you have to be honest coz thats your new years resolution. sucker.
Thats Jill-one of my uni friends and also the girl who i worked with for a while. Seriously it means that i've opened my eyes and realised how complex everyone is. It's surprising how little we really know about eachother but i've realised it doesnt matter because thats the point in life - we learn more little by little. And yeah it includes you, me and everyone else. So thats the truth - i hope you can handle it [it is like reading the bible - extremely boring and you probably wont remember a word it said, hahaha - probably not a good comparison]!
do we really only know a little about each other? hmmm, i don't know. maybe. i think i know a lot about u, but in terms of how much there is to learn about u, i'm nowhere near fully knowing. if that makes sense then u'll understand what i'm talking about (obviously).
Yeah i guess maybe thats what i meant. I do know alot about you, well the important stuff anyways. But i guess thats from more of just hanging around you as opposed to having concrete knowledge. Which is better because we never have to say much but totally understand where the other is coming from. Like what i just wrote - makes no sense but i have a feeling that you understand every word. Just like what you wrote - i understand every word. We're like one mind man, crazy stuff...hahaha
haha, yeah we're like one mind trapped in two bodies. whoa i'm trippin out man. hahahaha. nah, i get what you're saying completely. we've known each other a long, long, time so i guess it just comes with the territory. personally i think it is very cool.
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