Thursday, December 29, 2005

It maybe hot...but not that hot.

The other day i was waiting at the bus stop. This old lady [i dont know how this might be relevant but she was over 60 years] sitting next to me says: "It would be much cooler if we were to walk around with no clothes on".

Firstly, NO!
Secondly, That's quite disturbing.
Thirdly, if it were that hot, go inside where its airconditioned.

Sarorth, signing off and avoiding old people for a while


At 8:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my my aren't we the prude? it would be cooler if we didn't have to wear clothes, and why would you want to sit inside and miss all the great things that are going on outside anyways? hmm, sarorth, hmmm?

At 9:46 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

yes indeed, when it comes to old women, nudity and public i think that we do need to be a little prude. And yeah cas, there many great things happening at the bus stop...


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