Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Let me be

I had another somewhat crappy day today. Went to work...Yeah, yeah, what's new about that...Didn't sell many sunnies, getting annoyed at how Ves just stands there while I am cleaning, had my personal space invaded [i'l explain later].


Well maybe thats a bit melodramatic but i do feel like small things are starting to bother me more and more. Anyways as i promised, i was going to tell you about how my space was invaded. Whether you wanted to hear it or not, i dont care. So there! Getting to the story...Finished work at 4 today, had to wait at Beenleigh Station. All was well and good until this guy comes and asks for a lighter. Ves tells him we dont smoke, so he comes sits next to me and asks why. And i say, "cuz it kills you". So he says well its the same as getting killed in a car. So i reply in my sarcastic, not really interested in this conversation/pissed off voice: "well it is different, with a car its not your fault, whereas with smoking you're killing yourself painfully, day by day." You'd think that was the end of it...but not for this jerk. So he thinks oh, why not stay and ask how old we are, where we live, whether we have a boyfriend, whether we were lesbians. MY BLOOD WAS BOILING AT THIS POINT. Then he starts to freakin [il refrain from swearing] poke me in the arm...way too far mate. I tell him really firmly: Can you stop touching me. So he does it more. NO, NO, NO! I was so close to telling him to F-off [ves was no help, she thought it was funny that he was asking all these questions and talked back-but she wasnt sitting next to him and smelled his alcohol drenched breath] but then i realised that's not a smart thing to do...eventually he got the drift and walked off.

I'm not normally a snob, I just think that if you are going to talk to some complete stranger, make sure that they actually want to engage in the so called 'conversation'. And there is such a thing as going to far and invading someones personal space.

Eeeeehhhh, thats all. Sarorth feeling tired and repulsed by some.


At 5:20 am, Blogger Elliott Scott said...

Heh heh heh, he asked if you were lesbians! Pure genius. That guy's got some brass at any rate. By the way, smoking is not only awesome; it also looks really cool and ALL DA LADIES love it.

At 6:37 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

Genius? I Think not!
Guys...the first thing they remember in my rant is the bit about lesbians!
By the way, smoking is so not awesome...and since when was having a piece of toxic in your mouth cool? Maybe i wasnt invited to that party.

At 6:38 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

hmm a "piece of toxic"...doesnt make much sense. Well i meant "toxic material" - yes much better

At 4:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, smoking is so not cool. that's just wrong. this week i've had paul and part smoking in my face constantly and it is seriously starting to give me the shits. i can't breathe dammit!!!


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