Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Let this post remain untitled...

Today i am suffering from major sleep deprivation. We got invited to a pool party to celebrate the arrival of Part, a friend of ours from darwin and lets just say it was an interesting experience.

I shall summarise seeing as i am 1) too lazy and 2)too tired to give a stuff.

  1. went to cassie's house straight after work - did not get time to change
  2. walked over to paulie's house where quite a few people were already there
  3. paul and josh [brothers] verbally attack each other, many profanities were exchanged at really loud volumes. eventually resolved when their dad steps in.
  4. Paul's dad gets drunk and starts dancing and swearing as well [it was quite funny to watch actually]
  5. Crap music...Rodney Rude is not funny, nor would i consider him entertainment!
  6. Voluntarily jump into the pool to avoid being thrown in. Still wearing the same work clothes. Have major bruises on my arm from them lifting us up and tossing us into the pool. Seemed fun at the time.
  7. Walked into a hole in their uncompleted pool decking, major brusing on the inside of my upper thigh. It didnt hurt at the time but now it kinda does.
  8. Met most of parts family, found out that Ves does programming designs and his sister was actually pretty nice, Sovan was sleasy so i avoided him.
  9. Everyone started to leave but we decided to stay for a little while more
  10. Played bullrush in the pool and marco polo - which was really fun. Cass was absolutely crap at marco polo. we had a little fun teasing her! haha
  11. eventually went to cass's house to find a tent and ended up pitching it in the backyard of part's house. Slept there, or tried to except i had to sleep next to the snorers and teeth grinders. I then decided to sit up at 4 and try to block out the snoring. didnt work. So i tried to meditate, kinda worked. Then went to bed again and it was fine because suddenly the snoring was at a tolerable volume!
  12. went home and then had to go to work...fun! Almost fell asleep at 11AM at work while polishing sunglasses but shoved heaps of red licorice into me. somehow i managed to not pass out/fall asleep which is the important thing.


At 10:42 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha ha very funny about the marco polo thing sarorth. next time we play i'll get everyone out of the pool so you can look like the dickhead grabbing at nothing.

At 7:42 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indeed it was funny...i dont know how you didnt know [maybe a bit too much OH]. We surely had a laugh at your expense so we had fun...thats all that matters.

At 4:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's OH? i'm a bit slow with these things. and how was i supposed to know?!!!! i had to keep my eyes closed the whole time. haha, man that was funny though, i do admit.

At 8:27 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

hahaha, its obvious who actually paid some attention in chemistry...its the chemical symbol for alcohol. Yeah and by the way it wasnt my idea to get out of the pool...im sure if it were you you would have done the same thing.


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