Monday, January 16, 2006

Price: AUD 1773.00 per adult plus AUD 378.69 tax??!!...Nooo, thats like my life savings + extra

I've been really struggling with the whole staying at home thing, i don't understand how people can become slobs - its no fun. Anyways seeing as we now have the internet i have been able to look up airfares for our trip to LA later this year. It's so EXPENSIVE but totally will be worth it. I will milk the experience for all its worth. What is bothering me though about the trip is not knowing who is actually going to be coming with me. I know my younger sister is coming but the jury is out on whether my older sister is coming. She always has these excuses - which i dont buy [yes if youre reading it, i dont buy them]. I [along with many others] can't understand why she would prioritise going to New Zealand over other things. Sure it's got picturesque landscapes but you can surely put that on hold for some other time.

Anyways thats all i have to say...hey i just realised i havent eaten anything, wait...i had a banana - which i guess is not much at all.


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