Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Expectations were exceeded!

It's the first time that I have posted in I think 5days but that''s because I didn't want to bore the rest of the world talking about how my holiday is not going so great. BUT that's somewhat changed. Last night was the Ben Lee concert, as you can tell we have been waiting for it for a while now. It was an absolute blast, which I knew it would be. I also ended up running into Clare as well and we kinda formed this little group up the front. It was really good, we didn't even know her friend and we all just hit it off and really got into the music. That's the best part, you go there for the music and you have this greater experience.


We got to the Arena at I think about 7 [an hour early], we were one of the first few there...Which is different for us. We're always late and apparently like to dawdle. Waiting was an absolute killer...even when we got inside, at one stage or another one of us was saying something along the lines of i "can't wait anymore" [in a good way], which goes to show how much everyone was looking forward to the night.

The support acts were good, the first guy, "spaced out guy, with a sticker on his pants"[as Clare labelled him] had a really good voice but his songs did leave us all feeling a bit sleepy. This wasn't because he was boring but i would say because of the way he sang...but it would sound great on for a nice lazing day on a hammock.

[in between here we did have a little 'misunderstanding' with two other girls that involved some aggression on their behalf. I felt somewhat uncomfortable having to be the target. I did just stand their and take it (literally just stood saying practically nothing) because i'm not one for aggression. Cass on the other hand didn't accept it and tried as best she could to resolve things (despite the way they were talking to us), i thank her for that.]

The next support act was awesome, they were a bit more happening, i think it had something to do with the electric guitars. Nah, also their style was really funky as well...i didn't really expect it though.

The ben came on...

The MUSIC was great, you cant go wrong with Ben Lee's music [although I guess some find it to be an acquired taste] because it always involves the crowd. Bron can tell you all about crowd participation, she was really into it! I couldn't help smiling (well it was more like a smiling laugh) at her "signalling" to the words "open your hearts". But it was good that she didn't care what others thought, I guess that's the whole idea of going to gigs. Oh and I was so happy that he sang "Love Just Leave You Bruised"(I love that song...ive been listening to it on my ipod for a while, but I think it needed Ben Folds and Ben Kweller to really complete the song. So this time round I actually knew more than one song of his...which made it alot better because his audience is the singing-along, clapping, hands in the air type, I wouldda looked strange standing their in the front looking confused.

Lets talk about BEN, can I just say, he really does flirt with his audience! I think that's part of his appeal. And I also noticed that he's always making contact with people [like myself and cas]...its so wierd too because you're standing there and then he's just looking into your eyes and you just stand there with your eyes open looking and thinking, "is he looking at me?". Oh also he did go into the crowd a couple of times, twice in our area, I think we all got to touch his hand or jacket or whatever body part that was nearest. So that was our close encounter with Ben. He's also a a really funny guy as well. Also the "piano girl" was really great to watch too, she always had this giant smile on her face. She reminded me of a band member from the 60s or 70s. I must also give him credit for throwing out Jackies {i think that's Clare's friends name} flower that she threw out to him...but at the end of the show giving her flowers [well the sound guy did it on behalf] in return to acknowledge that. It really put a smile on her face.

I dont have any photos as yet BUT I shall post them once clare sends them to me.

All in all, it was an awesome night, we got to hear great music, meet new people and really enjoy ourselves. It really did exceed expectations...and we did end up with some flowers as a keepsake!!!


At 11:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha yeah bron is a funny bugger isnt she? u gotta laugh. and that's ok about those nasty girls. i was ready to step into the boxing ring. haha not even, can you imagine me trying to fight someone? it just doesn't happen. i'm a lover not a fighter. haha.


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