Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Exams are over

Time to celebrate...i have no idea what i am going to do though, it seems that everyone is still busy [poor people] studying and stressing out. I must say that these exams were particularly hard this time around but I guess I should have expected that from administrative law and corporations law...i think that was the point, so then those who actually survive law school are the best of the best (haha, if only that was the truth). Although that makes me feel quite good that i am in the best law school in Queensland, yep, quite an achievement. Although what would be betterif i survive...that would be great.

on a softer note, here is my favourite cd at the moment.

Cd of the month: Ray Lamontagne - "Trouble". All about woes of life and perserverance and i think strength. Perfect for my current state of mind. Ps: put this in the buy pile, not download pile - its worth the moolah you put into it!

visit his website: http://www.raylamontagne.com

peace out guys


At 12:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey what do you know, it was the alarm on my ipod!!! so say thank you to that guy for me coz gone are the nights when i was woken to the sound of music playing on my ipod. now i just get woken up by U-ME walking all over my face. kittens are great aren't they.

At 12:32 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

yeah they are...well they were. you know what i think he might actually read my blog [well probably not] and see your thanks himself. yeah i hate to admit it but Elliott does know what he's doing [he's an obssessed fan of apple]. i'm sure he wont mind me calling him that.


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