Wednesday, November 23, 2005

5 days...oh the excitement

Only 5 days to go til the concert - i hope i'm not building this up only to be disappointed. Although i seriously doubt that, last time i saw him he was good, no wait, really good!

It's been a week into the holidays [for me anyways] and i'm beginning to feel a lack of motivation. As i posted earlier, i have planned things to do. I started knitting but then it took so loooong that i've decided to start over, this time with less stitches [at the rate i was going before - it would have taken me months]. Also i've bought paint and canvas panels, im still working out what to paint. I think i'l save a panel and paint at Stradbroke Island when we go over there in Jan.

I really want to learn how to play a guitar, but the problem the moment the only guitar i can play is the air guitar [although i may add, i think im getting pretty good...haha]. So i think i might save some money to buy an acoustic guitar, I've now realised that it's my favourite instrument, both to look at and to listen to. I think it has to do with my love of the sound of a great voice and the rawness of the acoustic guitar.

Okay i shall go now and listen to music...


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