Thursday, November 17, 2005

Welcome to Rashville...


NOTE: Really long, boring story ahead with no photos or nothing.

A lot has happened since the last post. Okay, last night i attended QCA's exhibition night [Griffith Design School], i decided to go to support my sister and elliott [look i spelt your name right]. It was a really slow affair in the beginning - not really my kind of shindig [wine, cheese, meat on a platter type event]...but there was also 'art' (which i love). Maybe it wasn't a good idea to go half an hour early and look at all the folios before the event started - i shouldda thought about that, what would i do once ive looked at everything? i spent half the time following my sister around [who was frantically looking for people to sign her whitespace booklet]...and the other half just standing, yep stood there with no particular thing to do. And at one stage it was Tanner and myself [elliotts friend] that stood there with no particular thing to do - we engaged in chit chat but that was shortlived when we decided to find elliott.

It felt strange. Not in a bad way, i was bored i admit but i wasn't lonely, i felt like i was in my own world. Eventually the bad music they were playing really started to bother me so i just stood there listening to my ipod [it wasn't the company, just the lack of]...strange i admit, i probably looked outta place but i didn't really care. I love Ray Lamontagne's music and listening to it really made me feel a whole lot better. So after discovering great music again, i started to look at the folio's again, this time i got really into it... i was enjoying my new found peace at being alone [not lonely may i stress - they are two different things].

Congratulations Elliott for taking out the big one - best portfolio in QCA! Love ya work!!! And clearly other people do too.

So eventually that came to an end and then we all headed to a bar right next to the uni [my kinda shindig]. Strange at first not knowing anyone - not even elliott [web communication is alot easier than face-to-face, man i sound like a loser] or naz, really After i got a drink into me...or two...or more, things started to get a lot easier. And then once again i was alone, well not really, Maxine and her partner started talking to me about what i was studying and stuff. And then Anna started talking to me so it was good, i didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Oh did i mention that this all happened when they all left to go get ice-cream [tanner, elliott, my sis, naz and linus], i followed suit later but couldnt find them. so i walked back to the drink some more. When i went back Anna was there again and some guy with a name starting with Z or F [ i know they sound nothing alike] started talking to me, so i talked back, hey i probably will never see these guys again so why not, what have i got to lose. Eventually they came back and Linus finished his 500mL, healthy ice-cream (the 10% fruit makes all the difference) and then they all started having Strange conversations which actually were actually pretty funny. By the end of the night my head and neck was the colour of beetroot - so i was the colour of christmas [red head, green top...i must've looked smashing]. I think Elliott was having a blast...good on ya for getting must feel good after 5yrs of not doing so [well that's what he told me...but that would make you an underage drinker-i don't condone that man...]. Although my sister didnt drink a drop [well actually she did, but she didnt know it was vodka and orange, or did she?! hmmm].

All good things must come to an end sometime, so thats what happened, i went home...then the rashes came [yep, i'm allergic to alcohol-never stopped me before and probably not ever] although they've eased out and now the only physical signs of the night out is my swollen right eye...that should go at about 1 today.

So wow that was a long story! But it had to be told. It was a great night in november and i get to repeat it all saturday. Although i think my dad is getting really annoyed. But who cares!


At 1:45 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

okay if that doesnt sound like spam, then i don't know what does. Geezus, i'm going to do something about this!


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