Thursday, November 10, 2005

SCREW YOU COLESMYER [so mature - i know]

Well as you can tell im pretty peed off at colesmyer...[as if im gonna wait another 12months just to get rejected again- i'd rather go fruitpicking, much less degrading ].

I feel like i have wasted my time [once again] applying for a job with them. You know it's really annoying as an IRL student to realise that 'equity' just does not exist. What ever happened to those days when applications weren't done over the internet. It's a serious problem now because its such a prevalent form of recruitment. I probably should have expected it, particulary because they did the same thing to Jill - despite her having previous work experience [at an optometrist and Best and Less]. It totally does come down to age/race - i'm 19 (camb) and she's 21 (Taiwanese) - way too old and clearly not intelligent enough for retail according to them. Clearly being in the top 94% in the online assessment test wasnt enough!

So where is equity Howard? No you wouldn't worry about that would ya cause your son and daughters wont have any problem because they are white middle class australians with a d^*% #@*! as a dad!

Sarorth feeling peed off, although surprisingly motivated to study for my labour market issues exam [oh the irony in that]


At 7:04 am, Blogger sar86 said...

ahh suicide? no thanks...can't you tell, im a positive person! haha...

At 9:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sars... um yeah. i share your pain. but i was rejected by them as well many-a-times... and i thought I was a white middle class male with plenty of experience in retail... i guess being jewish isn't white enough. and being a male isn't blowjobbable enough... so there you go. the madness will never end.

besides there are way better jobs out there. dont take it personally. its their loss really.

At 10:03 am, Blogger sar86 said...

yeah i meant to say upper middle class...well i guess it doesnt hurt to have a prime minister as a father [it's been working well for his son who got off with a slap on the wrist for drink driving]


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