9 Days and a counting...
Recently i haven't had much to look forward to. In particular the past few days has been really stressful. I've had to deal with both my brothers trampling on my stuff, messing up my bed, and treating my computer like a piece of cheap crap [which it is not-cost me lotsa money!!!]. I guess the novelty of having the internet at home wears off after you realise that your space is invaded by little 'aliens'.
That's my life in a nutshell. However, it's not all dreary, i'm really looking forward to going out on saturday with my good ol' pal cass to officially celebrate the end of the uni life for a year. That should be a good quiet night.
Also in 9 days i get to see this little jewish man again [Ben Lee]. I must admit he's so "cute" [in the little kid type cute, he kinda looks like a bumblebee in this photo]. I've already paid for the tickets [acutally i think we were one of the first - bron insisted we go again], only $32.95 if anyone wants to go. I found out that Clare and her friend are going too which was really exciting - i may run into her (although actual chances are quite low). uh that's pretty much it, i don't have a very exciting life but hopefully that improves soon otherwise i'm gonna go bonkers!

i totally forgot about Ben Lee. yay, now i have something to look forward too. should be good.
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