Saturday, December 24, 2005

1 day til chrissy!

I'm am unbelievably tired today...I am so glad that christmas is in two [no its in one] days. Firstly, because i dont work and secondly, because i get to open presents. yahya. I hope everyone has finished christmas shopping cuz I HAVE

I do however have to work boxing day which is not too bad cuz i get double pay for it. I'm saving up for a digital camera and holiday to LA next july which im so excited about. So i really do need to fit as much hours as i can seeing as this gig is a short one.

Man i am so lost in time...i keep thinking its a Friday. It is so wierd...i tell myself its a saturday but at the same time il tell myself its Friday!

NOTE: the words in brackets are my version of editing because clearly i cant really think straight and i think it might illustrate to the rest of the world how tired i must be.

Can you believe its taken me over half an hr to type this much...well thats the truth.


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