Friday, December 23, 2005

Sarorth goes to Loco town

fdslighrjkglbsfbhdfljshkgfkjhsbfhdshrwklhbjgfmbd hsjbfdsglk hgpqer hggf
gakhhaahpunufgkalhg adlkgag hdgkjdajhklsgndfh;lsrwiuprhgskjfdalgja;dhghepgjsklafgkfhgsdgpfsdiugrewgiu...

I really needed to get that out. Despite the having a job [and maintaining that job for more than 5days] and having no essays/exams- my mind is an absolute mess...well not really but its going way too fast for my own liking. Yes you, MIND...the voice in my head, slow down while the rest of me catches up! I find myself analysing myself talking to myself in my head...HUH?! Confusing? Yes, Crazy?

Maybe its the air conditioning or maybe the after effect of looking at all those sunglasses or maybe its the holiday spirit.

Sarorth Signing off and reminding you that talking to yourself [so long as its not aloud] is a NORMAL thing [yes, and i maintain that! pssst].


At 8:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow that was an interesting entry. haha. yeah i like this template. i think the only thing thats wrong with it is that it looks a bit too professional, like business-like style. but yeah, still good.

At 9:03 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

i know, i had to choose something. i suppose you were right to steer away from the whole depressing template...especially with this borderline crazy post

At 1:31 am, Blogger Elliott Scott said...

nice new template, but i still think some nerdy html coding is the way to go. pick a template you like, based on layout and modify colors, fonts, images, etc. YAY!

At 10:39 am, Blogger sar86 said...

Well i tried to play around with the codes but SORYI was not the least bit helpful...I tried to move my profile up a bit but then things kinda went haywire so i decided to sit on my hands and let it be. If i have enough time maybe il have on more crack...

At 6:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey i do the analysing thing in my head too...... i think we hang out way too much my friend. haha. i however, take it a step further and wonder if maybe, just maybe, i have a split personality. beat that. haha, yes coz that is something you would like to beat.

At 5:05 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm this template is boring. haha. aren't u glad to have such an honest friend. i liked your old one the best. but hey, everything changes sometime right?

At 7:51 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

yeah it is boring. And i cant seem to move up the profile bit on the right side up...So i will change the template for the 100th time, not cause of you cas of course. haha.

At 7:53 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

is it just me or does the photo of us make me look like i have buck teeth? hahahah...i dont have buck teeth by the way, its 100% the photo!!!


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