Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Foreign films and foreign food - love em both!

Yesterday was a really hot day. Thought id get the weather talk out the way. Anyways, Cassie and myself decided to go to UQ and go see a foreign film and have their really, really good pizza. For a change, we planned the day - the ability to plan is not really a part of our 'thing'. Last time we tried to 'plan' something, we ended up not buying enough food to last our one night camping trip. Oh well, we didn't die - and the sloppy hash browns tasted a whole lot better than it looked. We hope to do a lot better this time round when we go camping on the 3rd at Straddy.

Anyways getting to yesterday, we had our pizza - never disappoints. Then we saw Machuca - this cuban film. We chose it because Cas thought it would be uplifting. It ended up being very political and so [not] 'uplifting'. There were some funny bits that only cas and me laughed [pretty loud] at. But all in all - very political and i would have to say historically accurate. If you are into the cuban political scene then you should find this film interesting. Apparently it won quite a few awards. I loved it despite being such a serious film.

So that was pretty much what i did yesterday - it was a nice change from the usual boredom of staying home.


At 7:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe we watched Machuca because YOU wanted to watch it, not me. I loved the look on your face when it finished though. haha. It was like a "well, that didn't make me feel very happy at all" kind of face. hahaha. Yes, you're right though, it was a very cool movie, even if it wasn't very uplifting. I think thats part of why it is such a cool movie. It's not like the mainstream movies that makes sure the audience leaves feeling all warm and gushy at the end. This was just a tad more realistic. Yay! Let's all get depressed together!!!

At 7:09 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

Haha, no it wasnt a happy film at all - even the relationship between the friends wasnt all happy chappy. And i guess if it did have a happy ending it would just not fit with the build up to the whole film and wouldnt have been memorable.

It wasnt depressing - just not very uplifting. haha. So youre on your own boat there cas. haha

At 7:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i thought it was depressing. I don't think there was one thing that actually ended happily in this movie. How could that not make you feel even a little down? Is your heart made of stone you cold, cold woman?! But yeah, each to our own i suppose (not really, i'm right, you're wrong).

At 8:14 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

yeah, it was a little depressing - okay, thats an understatement, one of the most depressing movies ive seen this year actually. kinda made it worst that it was about kids.

At 2:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, the WHOLE year hey? all 26 days of it. hahaha. You know the one thing that bugged me through the movie (and this shows just how petty i really am) was how he looked so different from his family. they all had dark hair and olive skin and he had strawberry blonde hair with fair skin and freckles. what is going on?!!!

At 5:25 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

Well ive seen 3 WHOLE movies this year...haha -

Haha, yeah i picked up on that facet of the movie too. Oh well - i guess it could be genetically possible, even though he did look like a scottish kid and they look 100% cuban.


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