Friday, January 20, 2006

My ipod died and came back to life [phew]

Since i got my ipod last year ive had many a troubles with it. Most i've been able to fix [thanks to some advice]. Yesterday my ipod went on the fritz again after downloading an update, wasn't too happy. What is the point of having updates when it doesnt work? Anyways, so i spent half of yesterday trying to reset the ipod but it still didnt work. I reinstalled the program from the CD that came with the ipod and tried everything i could. Hours later the ipod decides to suddenly frustrating. I thought, finally - i get my release back. So i listened to the ipod last night...and what do you know, it decides to reset itself and completely wiped out all my music. I was not happy at all. At this very moment i am updating my ipod and putting the songs back on - i think ive lost quite a few though. Last time this happened i would guess that i lost about 100-150 songs, including all my Muse songs.


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