Thursday, January 19, 2006

Happy, happy, joy, joy

Its been a while since i've posted something uplifiting. But i'm seriously feeling good - i guess the movie night really worked. BIG NEWS [well for me anyways]: Cas is back from Darwin, yay...although will be off again to Straddy. (sigh). Oh well, the catchup chat was great, she told me all about her travels and it was good to hear that she had heaps of fun. IT has seriously been a while since we have had such a long chat...or even written the long winded emails that we so frequently write during uni semester [i guess that is in part to our perfection of the art of procrastination]. That chat was a great change from the whole MSN internet chatting thing - laughing just doesnt have the same ring when put in words.

I am also glad to have received the photos from Clare, they turned out so well...i didnt realise that Jackie took so many photos. That was a great night, had so much fun.

So there you go, this post took a lot longer than it looks.

Movie night with the uni girls [also celebrating T's birthday]

Patience [From the 'Grates'] and Ben singing a duet...

I love this photo...he has his hand on his heart

Ben looking larger than life.

The signature Ben shot and his Gibson [what a pretty guitar].


At 12:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay, i'm back from straddie!!! nice to know you missed me. the feeling wasn't mutual. haha only joking my little goose. yes, we shall have to have more of those chats i tells ya!!!


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