Hahaha...This must be some kind of joke
So i'm bored, what's new about that?! Anyways i was ebaying [even though im broke and have officially received a no-payers strike [hey, it was my first day, you cant blame me - i didnt know what i was doing]. Anyways i came across this really funny/stupid item that was being sold. See the picture below...Can you believe that this person thinks they can get $1000, yes no mistake there. Haha...this person is an entrepreneur i tells ya. Don't you love the title? It's a seller i say. hahahahahaha...oh this was a waste of thought time - what have i resorted to?!
" breast shell rare shell found on australian beach"

AU $1,000.00
Time left:
16 hours 11 mins10-day listing, Ends 23-Jan-06 15:11:58 AEDST
Start time:
13-Jan-06 15:11:58 AEDST
0 bids
High bidder:
User ID kept private
Item location:
Gold Coast, QueenslandAustralia
hahaha thats so funny. anyone who wants to pay $1000 for a 2 cm shell that look like a pair of boobs are very sad people indeed. even sadder is the person trying to sell it. haha, gotta give them credit for trying though.
Yes indeed, it is quite sad. I just thought it was funny imagining the person who found the shell and seeing their face as they wandered onto it. They must have been so excited - i mean, what could be more exciting then finding a shell in the shape of boobs?! haha.
absolutely nothing
Dudes.. they're BOOBS! What is there not to love?
I mean it's not like the shell resemble a foot, or an elbow or any other lame body part, they look like BOOBS!
I rest my case!
haha ok then, i didn't realise it meant so much to you. i actually thought it looked like an egg with an extra yolk thingy.
Haha...i think Elliott is being sarcastic [well i seriously hope so]. Although i must say, i can't really tell - he's a bit of an eccentric with an evil warped mind. hahaha...
You know the funny thing, this post has got the most comments, which proves that we are very, very lame. haha
Or sub-consciously we all have a secret fascination for eggs with a double yolk. I know i do.
And yes Sarorth, i got that he was being sarcastic. I promise you that i'm not that slow.
I never know with you cas, i never know. haha
haha, shut up. The only possible reason i could be slow is for being friends with u for so long. i've had to lower my intellectual capability in order for us to be on the same level. haha, nah, who am i kidding?
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