Back in the heart of Texas...
This post has nothing to do with Texas but i thought this post needed a catchy title that would draw in the crowds. Well not really...i just couldnt think of anything else. Anyways getting to the 'real' post...We're back from camping! In actuality we were back on Friday but for some reason Blogger wasnt working to well for a couple of days there - i tried but then just gave up.
Anyways it was a really good couple of days - really relaxing. I invited you guys [well some of you, so its your fault you missed all the excitement, yes, you should be kicking yourselves.]
WE went to the Tamborine Mt Thunderbird Caravan and Camping spot again - this time minus a little baggage. Cas's mum drove us - she always does, i feel so bad. Even though i say thanks, the trip just wouldnt have been possible without her. Anwyas we arrived on Wednesday and set up camp. We put up the tent, a huge tent at that [see below].
Then we just kinda sat on the chairs listening to music from my ipod - it was really relaxing. Us being the lazy folks we are, that was the perfect way to spend the day. haha. Hmm what else happened on the first day...oh we went to the rock pools - at first it was packed and we didnt bother going swimming there but then eventually they went. A trip to the rock pool is not complete if we havent jumped off the rocks.
It was so fun! Umm oh and also something funny happened to us - we realised we didnt have the $3.50 we needed to buy the ice [to keep our food from going off]. I ended up having to ask some guys for 20 cents. Haha it was so funny cause we even looked around the camp site for some money. WE got there - thats all that matters. Oh and we also lit a campfire.
'Dig monkey, dig.' haha - cassie digging our campfire hole. I just had to post it. haha.
Our awesome campfire - but a crappy photo. This is the only campfire photo we took.
On the second day we did practically the same thing...woke up, had breakfast and then headed off. OH we got our ice too. haha. We went to the rock pools for a swim and jumped off the higher rocks this time. It is sooo much guys should come and jump off too. It was scary at first - i jumped off first and it took me a while just to work out where to jump. But it was the best feeling once i got it over and done with. We ended up jumping off three different rocks [below are the pics of us jumping off the high rocks]. I'd do it all again too. After that we just decided to walk along the stream and follow the rocks. We walked for about 45mins on the rocks - i was slowly following cas who seemed to faster on rocks than on land. haha, you know you are cas. It felt so good to get to this really beautiful spot - it looked like we were deep in the jungle. There was no other way to get there except by walking on the rocks [photos 3 and 4]. After that we went to go mini-golfing and then went back to the campsite and sat on the chairs for a while. Then we went off to go swimming again in their salt water swimming pool - it was nice and relaxing and we talked alot about things.

On the third day we got up at 8 and had to pack up. Then we sat on our chairs and waited for cassies mum to drive us back home. I think ive pretty much covered the main things that have happened.
This post has just taken me 3 [4 including editing]days to complete. I was almost finished when my computer suddenly turned itself off. But I have finished so im just glad that its over - Cas can stop bugging me now, haha.
Wow. That looked totally fun. Maybe I shouldn't have stayed home and done nothing all week long... Nah, who am I kidding...
PS> Tanner was annoyed that I didnt tell him about it untill it was way too late, he wanted to go. Hahaha
Yes it was a blast - we did the whole typical camper thing with the tent and campfire...although we didnt do the sing-a-long. It would have looked a little bit wierd though with only the two of us. haha. So yeah, only if you got off you arse - maybe, just maybe, we would have done the sing-a-long. And tell Tanner, next time he can come. Hopefully we'l go to Straddy so i can finally see what its like.
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