Friday, February 10, 2006

Big Night...What's More to Say!

Last night turned out to be a pretty big night. At first we were only supposed to go to the hyperdome just to shop around. Cas brought some of the stuff that we did during highschool - It's funny how we managed to still get into uni with all our mucking around. Anyways i thought the funniest thing would have had to be the card that we made her for her 16th birthday. I think we did it up on paint and it had a dodgy graphic of supposedly her with bogers and only a couple of teeth. It just looks funny - maybe one day il take a photo of it and post it for all the world to see. We just sat on the chairs for a little while laughing at the stupid things that we wrote.

SOOOOO the shopping around thing kinda died out and then Cas suggested a movie - that didnt eventuate though for some reason or another. Instead we ended up going to Fitzys again. We were only supposed to stay there for a little while but somehow managed to stay until 1:40...i guess we were too into it to want to go home. Oh and we ran into more people from our old highschool - Dale, Mark, Jesse [again], Brendan, Stephen, Jamie and ummm K-K and Adam and also some girls from the grade below us - So we ended up hanging around Dale and Mark [Jesse and Stephen on and off] for the whole night, they were good for looking after our stuff i must say. Ah yeah - still kinda feeling the effects of all the vodka and rum i had. Allergies aren't so bad so thats a plus side. I have a feeling that i may be in a little bit of a pickle with my parents though because i said i was going to the movies. They just got over the camping trip too. And the thing is - i have to go to a birthday party this saturday at the Gold Coast and also Cas [in her moment] agreed for us to go out next thursday. I'm thinking i should go buy a bottle of antihestamine and also some earphones that completely cut off noise. I will probably be needing them.


At 12:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

last night was pretty good hey. oh yeah, thanks to me, pinh and dale, stephen totally thinks you like him. hahahahahahahahahhahahahaha. so funny. the dancing didn't really help either. lol. so yeah, just giving you a heads up for the next time you see him at uni, you lucky girl.

At 12:58 pm, Blogger sar86 said...

yeah it was good fun. Oh and thanks for that - what did you guys say to give him that idea? It was a dare to dance with him! couldnt he tell? I was laughing and you guys were laughing! Oh well - he's harmless...i'l just have to avoid him @ uni.


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